Treading a path together with shared values

At Coaching Reading, a lot of our work involves exploring and identifying underlying values as a powerful source of motivation to help our clients take action.

So it was a natural step for us to discuss and create our own set of guiding values to help focus the way we tread our path together. We hope they feel familiar and true to the many people in Reading we have supported through coaching, as well as to those who have championed our pro bono work.

1) Making a difference

We believe that every person on our planet is able to make a positive difference to this world.  We trust in coaching to tap into everyone’s amazing, inner potential. We love seeing people build the skills, confidence, awareness and motivation they need to make change happen.

2) Socially progressive

We work hard to stay mindful and respectful of different perspectives and lived experiences in our local community. We want people in Reading to experience the power and benefits of coaching regardless of their background. Helping individuals and organisations recognise different lived experiences is the first step to helping everyone navigate the challenges they face and make progress.

3) Collaborative

We see our own and each other’s strengths – and are able to combine them to make powerful things happen. We recognise that the sum is much greater than the parts. We seek and nurture external relationships. We communicate, discuss, exchange and move forward together.

4) Open to learning and growth

We believe in personal growth, for ourselves and our clients. We get comfortable with the discomfort of admitting what we don’t know, because we are enriched by each other’s knowledge and experience. We expect our thinking and beliefs to be challenged and expanded.

5) Ready for fun

We have learned that when we are having fun, we are stronger as a group. Our company and laughter keep us motivated and energised. Whilst we are serious in our intent, we don’t take ourselves too seriously. 



Growing as coaches - our top 9 tips


Coping with uncertainty